Crossfit barbell workouts are a great way to achieve the body you've always wanted. They're intense, challenging, and incredibly effective.

With the right instruction and training, you can make your crossfit barbell workouts even more effective.

Read this article for a description of the best barbell workouts, and follow up with some crossfit equipment you may need!

Our team of savvy editors has carefully handpicked the list below, and some products may have been sent to us as samples. But don't worry—every opinion in this article is our own! If you happen to purchase any item from this article, ArticleFortress will earn a share of sales or other compensation (which helps keep us up and running!) Reviews have been edited for brevity and clarity, so you can quickly find your new favorite thing! Enjoy exploring what we've got for ya!

How Article Fortress Chooses the Crossfit Barbell Workouts

We have spent the time reviewing the best workouts, and have over 3 years of experience using them ourselves.  If you are new to crossfit, these are some core workouts for the program.  You will want to have a coach help you to ensure your form is correct, and to avoid injury.



Deadlifts are the squats of the lower body world. This key Crossfit workout trains your largest muscles and helps you safely lift objects off the floor. Plus, increased functional strength can help with day-to-day activities. Who wouldn't want that?



Looking to get a full-body workout that will leave you feeling stronger and more energetic? Look no further than the thruster! This exercise is perfect for anyone looking to improve their strength and endurance.  This movement requires you to lift and throw the bar and weight above your head, "thrusting" it upward.  It's an explosive movement and builds overall strength and balance.

Clean & Jerk


Try a clean & jerk, and you'll be feeling the burn in no time! This intense full-body exercise will work your hamstrings, glutes, quads, calves, back, biceps, shoulders, and abdominals like never before.  A full clean puts you in a squat position, and then requires standing with the weight.  The power clean excludes a full squat, but repetitions require stamina and grip strength.  Then you push or "jerk" the barbel overhead and maintain this hold.  It requires strength and balance. This is a popular movement in the CrossFit games!



The snatch involves moving the bar from the floor to overhead in a continuous movement, using your whole body.  This is the most difficult of the barbell movements, and can take years to master.  The snatch is a full-body exercise, requiring strength, power, speed, and mobility.  It will improve your balance, coordination, posture, and athletic performance.

Final Thoughts About crossfit barbell workouts

So, there you have it! Crossfit barbell workouts that are perfect for anyone looking to get stronger and more coordination. These exercises are challenging, but they’re also a lot of fun, so be sure to give them a try!


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